Electronicvet.com, aka eVet, will cease operations on September 3, 2024.
On 7/8/24, current subscribers were advised to download personal documents and health records from the electronicvet.com website prior to 9/3/2024. All subscriptions will be terminated and the eVet system will no longer function as of September 3rd.
eVet’s sister company, USRider, has a free app that allows you to store your horse’s records and documents all in one place. The app not only allows you to upload all your certificates and health details for each horse, but also helps you find emergency vet care, stabling, and farriers while on the road. The USRider Travel App can also push EDCC Health Alerts and help map out ideal trailering routes to make hauling as safe and easy as possible.
Learn more at https://usrider.org/usrider-app