Research Services
Gain in-depth insights into consumer preferences related to your brand and the competitive landscape through brand audits, quarterly mini surveys, and focus groups and more.
Be heard by over 10,000 horse lovers worldwide on the Horse Radio Network, Equine Network’s premier online podcast network. With a variety of shows to satisfy all equine tastes, the HRN provides thousands of avid listeners the opportunity to hear content that celebrate the joys—and challenges—of owning horses.
Marketing Services
From concept to execution, our agency, Catapult Creative Labs, works with brands from the ground up to create dynamic, purposeful and productive customer connections. No idea is too big. Creative, credible, and connected—Catapult leverages unparalleled capabilities and reach for your brand.
With nearly 1.5 million average monthly page views available across our network, your message will be seen by the horse enthusiasts you want to reach.
Video Production
Our team has over 20 years of experience in video production across English and Western equestrian worlds, from live streaming to run delivery, and branded content to educational tips. Plus, in addition to creating custom video content and experiences, we also have the reach to promote them.
Equine Network’s Custom Audience Program functions on a simple premise that works: better audience = better targeting = better results. Learn more about how we’re leveraging our audience of confirmed owners and riders, with targetable attributes, for companies to market directly to on Google, Facebook and other platforms — and the incredible results it drives.