For over 40 years, EQUUS has been the gold standard for horse owners, caretakers, competitors, recreational riders and anyone who enjoys the equestrian lifestyle. Serving as a bridge between the world’s leading equine experts and horse owners, EQUUS is the most trusted source of horse-care information in the industry.
EQUUS today serves its audiences in new and dynamic ways. In addition to the award-winning quarterly print edition, EQUUS connects with horse owners and riders with a weekly newsletter, the in-depth digital EQUUS Extras, EQUUS ShortTakes informational videos, the increasingly popular EQUUS Barn Stories podcast and engaging content across social media platforms. EQUUS is a media partner of the American Association of Equine Practitioners (AAEP), thus all AAEP veterinarians receive EQUUS each quarter as a benefit of membership. Equine veterinary students and members of the American Association of Equine Veterinary Technicians & Assistants also receive EQUUS.
EQUUS puts out four issues per year in the Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter. Download the media kit to see the editorial calendar and what we are featuring in each issue as well as the deadline for advertising.
The Equine Network is the largest subscription and membership-based organization delivering content, competition, commerce and community for the equine world, and those that do business in it.